Join us at Contemporary Dental and find out how dental implants can change your life and your smile. 

Dental Implant Centre

Dental implants are a safe, long-term and pain-free solution to missing teeth and wobbly dentures? At Contemporary Dental we are fully equipped with the latest in implant technology, including a state-of-the-art 3D scanner (CBCT) to ensure precision when carrying out treatment.

Why choose us?

We have many years’ experience in successfully placing implants. Join hundreds of patients in Exeter who are smiling and enjoying their favourite foods again following dental implant treatment in our city centre practice. We take referrals from practices across the south west, or patients can come and see us independently for dental implants. Over the decades we have been privileged to care for many clients through their courses of treatment and see them grow in confidence as their quality of life and oral health improves. Our principal dentist, Dr Mark Russ, has been placing implants for more than a decade and is currently studying for a Masters degree in Dental Implantology.

A personalised approach

We tailor all aspects of treatment to the needs of each patient and although local anaesthetic is usually sufficient for an implant, we are able to offer the option of intravenous sedation to patients during implant placement. Our practitioners are experienced in providing an appropriate level of advice and support to meet the individual needs of our patients at every stage of the process.

Post treatment care

Like natural teeth and gums, implants need a good oral hygiene programme and regular checks to keep them in the best possible condition. Following implant treatment we continue to provide advice on everyday care and maintenance. We also offer follow up appointments with the hygienist at regular intervals following completion of the implant. These routine checks coupled with a good at-home dental care routine mean there’s no reason why implants can’t last a lifetime.